Tap into Feminine Energy and Transform Your Life!

Tap into Feminine Energy and Transform Your Life!

In today’s fast-paced world, many of us, women, have become disconnected from our true essence, often leaning heavily into energies that reflect drive, control, and logic. While these attributes are essential, there’s an equally important force within us that sometimes remains untapped: our feminine energy. As someone who once found herself more in masculine energy,…

369 Manifestation Method: A Comprehensive Guide

369 Manifestation Method: A Comprehensive Guide

I’m starting with the 369 Manifestation Method. People have been saying it’s effective, so I’ve decided to give it a shot. 😊 The 369 Manifestation Method, rooted in the mystical attributes of numbers and the power of positive thinking, has gained momentum in recent years. At that time, I was deeply engaged in the scripting…

How to reflect on last year and set intentions for a year ahead.

How to reflect on last year and set intentions for a year ahead.

I love the end of the year merely for a chance to reflect upon it. I must admit, I don’t reflect as frequently as I‘d like, despite being well aware of its numerous benefits. However, this realisation makes these moments of end-of-year reflections even more valuable and significant. When I think about 2023, few things…

Everything you want in life is because a future version of you already has it.

Everything you want in life is because a future version of you already has it.

The concept of a ‘goal setting mindset’ took on a whole new meaning for me recently. The other day I heard that whatever you dream about, you dream because the future version of yourself already has it. It stopped me in my tracks! I thought: that’s an interesting way of looking at things. 🧐 So I…

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