Reflect on last year set intention for new cover

How to reflect on last year and set intentions for a year ahead.

I love the end of the year merely for a chance to reflect upon it. I must admit, I don’t reflect as frequently as I‘d like, despite being well aware of its numerous benefits. However, this realisation makes these moments of end-of-year reflections even more valuable and significant.

When I think about 2023, few things stand out right away. For me it was a year when I decided to choose myself over anything else. I saw it as breaking a cycle of the usual, more cautious, decisions I was making. This shift has brought rewarding experiences.

I also put myself out there more often this year, both in my personal and professional life, which gave me an opportunity to meet incredible people and lay foundations for the future.

Barbara biggest achievement 2023

One of my proudest achievements this year was taking the initial steps to create my own feminine collection, a long-held dream I’ve finally begun to work on. It would be easy to leave it on the shelf for another year or two, but instead I purposefully jumped into the deep water, so that there is no turning back 😉

But the end of the year isn’t only about looking back. It is also an opportunity to set intentions for the year ahead, something that you can be excited about.

end-of-year reflections blank piece of paper

How wonderful is it to take a blank piece of paper and envision what 2024 could be. This isn’t limited to goal setting. It’s about envisioning how you want to live and who you aspire to be.

This year, I’ve decided to start a new end of the year ritual. After some research, I’ve crafted 4 questions for end-of-year reflections and another 4 for 2024 Intention. There they are in case you would like to do the same:


What were my proudest moments in 2023, and why?

Which experiences challenged me, and what did I learn from them?

What’s your biggest highlight from 2023, and why is it so special?

What do you need to release and let go of from the past year (this could be habits, hurt, something that happened, people, etc)?

setting intentions for 2024


How would you like to show up in 2024? Describe what kind of person you want to be.

What would you like to accomplish this year?  What will you do to help you accomplish this things?

What’s one of your weaknesses and how would you like to improve on it this year?

How are you going to incorporate more joy into your life this coming year?

If you subscribe to a newsletter, you will receive pdf version of those questions (the newsletter will be out on Friday, 15th December) 😊

I invite you to join in this practice and create a reflection ritual that resonates with you. If you have any insightful questions to add, please share in the comments, I’d love to hear them. 😊

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