Public Speaking Barbara Osiecka - cover photo

Embracing the Fear: The Importance of Public Speaking

Public speaking is a skill that many of us fear yet desperately wish to master. Whether it’s giving a presentation at work, speaking at a conference, or sharing our business ideas in front of peers, the stakes feel high. But, as I recently discovered at a networking event, real growth happens when we face this fear and learn from each public speaking experience.

The Universality of the Public Speaking Fear

It’s Not Just You!

According to the National Social Anxiety Center (NSAC), the fear of public speaking is the most common phobia ahead of death. A fear of public speaking is a very common phobia and one that is believed to affect up to 75% of the population.

Understanding that you’re not alone in this fear can be comforting and also a source of strength.

Public Speaking

Where Does the Fear Come From?

Why is it that the seemingly simple task of addressing a crowd can cause such a profound sense of fear? There are two primary reasons for that:

Fear of Judgement

This is arguably one of the most widespread fears associated with public speaking. Since we are social beings that want to be accepted by our community, we are naturally concerned about how we are perceived by others. Speaking in front of an audience means opening ourselves up to potential criticism therefore it may make us overly self-conscious about our content, our voice, or even our body language.

Fear of Making a Mistake

Nobody wants to make a fool out of themselves in front of a crowd. The idea of forgetting lines, mispronouncing words, or presenting inaccurate information can be horrifying to many. This fear can be even more magnified if the audience includes peers, superiors, or experts in the subject matter.

review your public speaking video

A Journey of Growth Through Public Speaking

At a recent networking event I was faced with the opportunity to speak about launching my fashion brand in front of fellow women entrepreneurs. As I contemplated whether to seize this opportunity or possibly wait for a similar event—with no guarantees there will be another one — I recalled an advice from my mentor, Kelly Lundberg. She always emphasized the importance of seizing opportunities to address larger audiences. Guided by her wisdom, I signed up.

Self Reflection

I prepared myself, however I was a bit stressed before the event itself. When my time to speak came, I proudly shared my story. Being completely honest: I wasn’t entirely pleased with my delivery. However, the experience was invaluable.

Knowing that I would be putting myself out there more often, I asked one of the ladies to record my speech. While it’s often uncomfortable to see ourselves on screen, it offers clear insights into areas for improvement.

The day after the event, I watched a recording of my pitch. Why the day after? Because on the day I already gave a verdict on how I performed. If I watched the video on the same day, I would watch it through that perspective and I wanted to be objective.

Drawing inspiration from Vinh Giang‘s approach on how to improve your communication, I reviewed the footage in stages: first, by only listening to identify vocal areas of improvement; next, watching with the sound off to focus on body language; and finally, analyzing a transcript to filter out unnecessary words.

When I finally sat down to assess the video the next day, I realized my initial self-assessment had been overly critical. It wasn’t as flawed as I’d imagined.

practising before speaking to crowd

The Silver Lining: Why Putting Yourself Out There Matters

  • Building Resilience

Each time we face our fear, we build resilience. This resilience not only relates to public speaking but also prepares us for other challenges in life.

  • Perfecting Your Craft

Every speech or public speaking presentation is an opportunity to refine our skills. With each attempt, we get better and more confident. When you listen to others speak, you can also pick up invaluable insights or suggestions to improve your speech.

  • Building Connections

When we put ourselves out there, we open doors to potential collaborations, partnerships, and opportunities that we might not have discovered otherwise.

Tips for Embracing and Overcoming the Public Speaking Fear

  • Practice Makes Perfect

Repetition is key. The more you practice, the more familiar and comfortable you become with the material and the act of speaking itself.

  • Seek Constructive Feedback

Just like I did with my video, it’s essential to evaluate your performance and seek feedback. This will pinpoint areas of improvement.

Applause women networking event

While the fear of public speaking might seem overwhelming, the benefits of facing and embracing it are limitless. Each time we choose to step up, we grow personally and professionally, making our journey all the more worthwhile.

And if you want to see how powerful working on mastering the skills of public speaking can be, I’d recommend you to watch How to sound smart in your TEDx Talk – Will Stephen. I promise you will learn and laugh at the same time.

I would love to hear about your experience with public speaking.

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