Goal setting best strategies cover

The Goal Setting Strategies That Guarantees Success!

The true power of goal setting lies not just in setting goals, but in the consistent actions you take towards achieving them.

This fundamental truth underscores the first step in any journey of accomplishment: knowing precisely what you want to achieve.

Identifying Your Goals

We are usually good at identifying what we want: a big house, a great career, happy life, or more money on our account. The problem appears when we need to create a plan for how to set goals and achieve them.

I know…. Planning… But hear me out!

The Importance of Planning in Goal Setting

setting goals for success

Once upon a time, I used to think planning was overrated. Just set a goal, jot down a few steps, and off you go, right?

As time went by, I started experimenting with different goal setting strategies, and guess what? I noticed something pretty interesting. The more thoroughly I plan out things in advance, the more mental energy I have for actually doing the task. It’s like, when it’s time to take action, I just look at my detailed plan and bam! I know exactly what needs to be done.

No more wasting precious time figuring out the next step. This upfront effort really pays off, saving me both time and brainpower when it comes to the execution part.

Questions You Must Ask Yourself

Success Journal goal setting Barbara Osiecka

Back when I was designing the Success Journal, it struck me how crucial the goal setting stage is. It’s not just about picking a goal – there’s so much more to it. So, I made sure this phase in the journal was both detailed and guided. My aim? To boost your odds of nailing that goal. Instead of just asking the standard:

“What do you want to achieve?”

I delved deeper. I included questions about the resources you’ll need, the people in your life who might play a role, and even the associated costs.

  • What new activities and routines do you need to reach your goal?
  • What will you need to do less or stop doing completely to free up your time?
  • What resources do you require to make this a success? (Journal, app, online course, support group)
  • Who are the key people in your life that will support you, and people that can hinder your success?
  • What is the cost of achieving your goal? (Investment of time, financial, social cost)

This isn’t about scratching the surface. It’s about digging deep right from the start.

A Real-Life Example of Effective Goal Setting

Two roads dilemma career change

Let’s break it down with a real-life example, so we are on the same page. Say you want to change your career. You start by asking yourself: what resources do I need to make this happen? Do I need new skills? And if so, what are they and how do I acquire them? Suppose you need to take a course. How much will it cost? Beyond the financial aspect, there’s the time commitment – attending classes, studying, passing the exams. What activities might you have to put aside to free up this time?

This is where you negotiate with yourself, deciding what you’re willing to sacrifice to reach your goal. It’s about understanding and embracing the trade-offs involved in chasing what you want.

Thinking about every detail upfront might seem overwhelming, but trust me, this level of preparation pays off once you begin working towards your goal. The clearer and more detailed your action plan is, the less time you’ll spend later wondering about your next steps.

Additional Tips for Effective Goal Setting

goal planning calendar

Adding tasks to your calendar is a game-changer for freeing up mental space in your goal setting journey. When you jot things down or slot them into your schedule, there’s no need to keep all those to-dos in your head. Set a reminder for when it’s time to start a task, or have it written in a notebook you frequently check. If you’re a bit skeptical, just try it out and see the difference it makes.

Remember, while everything might seem smooth and manageable in the planning phase, the real test comes when you start working towards your goal. Reality has a way of showing what actually works. Use the first week or two as an observation period. You might find that the early morning task you planned doesn’t fit with your focus or clashes with other commitments, or maybe it just takes longer than you expected. That’s totally okay. Adjust your plan, move things around to a time that suits you better. The goal is to complete your tasks, not to stick rigidly to a specific time slot.

To ensure I am constantly moving towards my goal I set two priorities each day. These are the tasks I absolutely need to tackle. This strategy keeps me focused. There’s no time wasted in wondering where to begin because I already have my starting point laid out. Having just two priorities doesn’t feel too daunting, and it’s simple to check them off once done.

In conclusion, the art of goal setting is much more than just picking an objective and hoping for the best. It’s about strategic planning, understanding the importance of detailed preparation, and being adaptable to the realities that unfold as you embark on your journey. Remember, the true power lies not just in setting goals, but in the consistent actions you take towards achieving them. Embrace the planning phase, integrate your tasks into your daily life, and be ready to adjust your course as needed.

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